Reports from New Delhi have confirmed that the Indian trucker strike officially ended on Friday, July 27th, though inflated pricing and inland capacity woes are expected to plague the nationwide market into late August.

The strike commenced on July 20th as the All Indian Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) took 10 million vehicles off the road as a means of forcing the government to confront the unions’ frustrations with new diesel fuel taxes, premium insurance costs, toll hikes, and port delivery systems that have negatively affected trucker autonomy and productivity.

The strike ended when prominent transport officials formed a special committee that promises to adequately address all concerns voiced by the AIMTC within the next three months. Truckers have agreed to return to work with the expectation that conditions will drastically improve following the committee’s deliberations and final proposal in October. The strike is expected to have cost the Indian government roughly 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, so officials are heavily incentivized to propose amenable solutions that meet trucker demands.

Shapiro will continue to monitor the situation and provide meaningful updates on the special committee’s progress.