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Why Do the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach Look like a Parking Lot? The 5-Minute Guide to Understanding the Congestion

Unless you just started your first logistics job today, you’ve heard about the chaotic situation at the ports of LA/LB.  It’s a lot more likely that you have not only heard about it, but that you have felt its impact to your supply chain, budget, and sanity. After enduring weeks of slow moving freight through […]

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Vessels Backed up for Days off the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are experiencing higher than normal congestion.  According to a Journal of Commerce interview with executive director of the Marine Exchange of Southern California, Capt. J. Kipling Louttit, cargo container ships are dropping anchor and waiting in line to be received at terminals.  “There’s usually zero wait times […]

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September 2014, Issue 149

SHAP TALK September 2014 Issue No. 149 Customs Changes Policy Regarding Post Importation Claims for Free Trade Agreements Changes to Harmonized Tariff Slated for 2017 Checking your EEI Filing Transportation September 2014 Update Employee of the Month TRADE NEWS Customs Changes Policy Regarding Post Importation Claims for Free Trade Agreements On August 11, 2014, U.S. […]

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How the Chinese New Year Affects your Logistics, No Matter What your Zodiac Sign Is

It snuck up on you, didn’t it?  Much like the dreaded summer bathing suit season – the one you keep saying you’ll start that diet for next week – that time of the year has arrived.  Maybe it was the gestational holiday season when you gained 15 pounds from fruit cake alone, or the collective sigh […]

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