Shapiro Implements Enhanced Cybersecurity Measures for Elevated Customer Protection
- January 4, 2019

As cybersecurity threats continue to grow in the increasingly digitized landscape of today’s global economy, Shapiro remains actively committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its customers and employees.
Shapiro’s established physical, electronic and managerial safeguards are regularly reviewed to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure and improper use of information, and to maintain the accuracy and integrity of that data. In keeping with the latest advancements, effective 2019, Shapiro is implementing enhanced measures to further protect customers, and company, from becoming a cybersecurity target.
What are some of the procedural changes that Shapiro is making to ensure its preparedness?
- Encrypted communication of all sensitive information directed to customers via a secured encrypted portal solution
- Multi-factor authentication for remote access to company systems
- Increased desktop and multiple threat analyses for viruses
- Continued, in-depth employee training documenting cybersecurity policies and procedures
Shapiro prides itself on customer satisfaction and technological adaptation. The company will continually evaluate alternatives that are potentially more efficient in providing the same information, albeit equally as secured.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.