Shapiro’s Angela Czajkowski to Speak at World Trade Day 2018
- May 17, 2018

This year’s World Trade Day on May 23rd, 2018 is focusing on Technology in Global Trade. Developments in technology are improving immensely and changing the way business is being done around the world. No matter the industry, technology advancements are making it difficult for businesses to remain competitive and keep up with competitors. At World Trade Day 2018, attendees will be able to participate in various discussion, connect on new opportunities, and listen to keynote speakers on technology and global issues. Join executives from large and small companies, to discuss opportunities and challenges to better improve your business and ways to move forward and to keep pace with new technological advances. Key topics to be taken away from this year’s event include, Future of Global Trade, Technology Advances, Data Protection, Block Chain Technology, and Cryptocurrencies.
Session 4A: Technological Advances Impacting Global Supply Chains
May 23rd, 2018 | 2:15PM | Bello Grand Hall
Join Shapiro’s very own Angela Czajkowski, as she will be a panelist in Session 4A: Technological Advances Impacting Global Supply Chains. The session will highlight tracking shipments, maritime security, e-commerce, and warehouse bots – these are all technologies that are changing the way global supply chains are operating. With security, efficiency and timely information at the forefront of shippers’ concerns, those involved in global supply chains are challenged to create and implement technologies that can address these needs while expediting the process. This session will feature various facets of the global supply chain and how they are dealing with these issues and some of the new technologies that are being employed.
Angela Czajkowski’s passion and creativity for international supply chain management propelled her through the ranks to Director of Supply Chain at Shapiro, a 103-year-old leader in logistics and regulatory Customs brokerage. Angela shines when it comes to tough rate negotiation, routing design, and the challenge of high volume, high complexity, multi-lane, multi-modal accounts. When she steps off the stage, Angela is known for her love of travel and theatre, but what charms us most is that she is an accordion aficionado with a fantastic fastball (yes, really).
Make sure to join Angela at World Trade Day 2018 on May 23rd, 2018 at Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island. This is an excellent opportunity to network and learn about the trade industry.